
September 25, 2024 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Bella Macomb

澳门在线赌城娱乐强烈鼓励学生通过自己选择的媒介来展示他们的创造力. Sophomore Bella Macomb’s chosen medium is flour, 糖, 糖霜和软糖, 她用它来制作装饰复杂的蛋糕,为她蓬勃发展的烘焙生意做准备, Izzy B 's Sweets & 更多的. “I’ve been baking forever, but I […]

August 30, 2024 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Kooper Rooks

库伯·鲁克深知音乐对一个人的幸福感的深远影响. From stress reduction to pain management, 在成为儿童癌症幸存者的过程中,音乐是激励这位大二学生的东西之一. “Anybody who has ever had a hard time, I guarantee they had an artist […]

August 5, 2024 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Veronica Kloss

任何见过维罗妮卡·克劳斯的人都能看出,她的使命是充分体现澳门在线赌城娱乐文科教育的价值. 在她的两个专业之间, five minors and diverse campus involvement, the senior is dedicated to taking advantage of all that UM has to offer. “我做一个……”

May 13, 2024 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Anna Katherine Eastman

Though Anna Katherine Eastman originally planned to study biology, 对数学和医学的兴趣吸引她走上了澳门在线赌城娱乐的化学之路. The recent UM graduate is Boston-bound this summer, 因为她被选为哈佛医学院的实习生,与UM的一位杰出校友一起工作, Dr. […]

March 6, 2024 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Sofiia Vaida 

索菲亚·瓦伊达(sofia Vaida)对在战乱国家上大学的挑战再熟悉不过了, 这是一名来自乌克兰的交换生,本学期就读于澳门在线赌城娱乐. Between threats of missile strikes each day and constantly interrupted classes, 自从俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰以来,获得高质量的教育变得非常困难。

January 30, 2024 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Anna Brasfield and Abi Dewilde

Anna Brasfield started the school year off flying solo as Gold Side leader. 幸运的是, 那个准备挺身而出站在她身边的人恰好是她最好的朋友, Abi Dewilde. 现在,Gold Side正在寻求强势回归,而这对组合被期待着领导[…]

January 24, 2024 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Josh Giles and Abby Sledd

Coming off last year’s win, this year’s Purple Side leaders, Josh Giles and Abby Sledd, are eager to secure another Purple Victory. Their journey as leaders has been a major learning experience so far, 在紧张的时候,两人得到了彼此和Purple Side的鼓励, 他们都[…]

December 6, 2023 | 更多的蒙特瓦洛故事

Featured Falcons: Kevin Harvey

Before being recruited to play lacrosse here, senior Kevin Harvey had never heard of the University of Montevallo. After his first visit to UM, an 11-hour drive away from his hometown of Parkland, 佛罗里达, he immediately knew that he belonged on the bricks. “I absolutely fell in love with the size,他说. “我一直……

August 7, 2023 | 学生关注的焦点

Featured Falcons: London Breedlove

比以往任何时候都多, 大学生越来越多地参与地方和国家层面的政治活动. 伦敦Breedlove, 她主修政治学,即将在澳门在线赌城娱乐读大三, an interest in politics soon led her to the path of law. “My dad is a super political person, and […]

March 24, 2023 | 学生关注的焦点

Featured Falcons: Brianna Bramlett

澳门在线赌城娱乐(University of Montevallo)的学生布里安娜·布拉姆莱特(Brianna Bramlett)收到了她在Books-A-Million兼职的导师发来的一封电子邮件,内容是她参加了一个赢得诗人门票的比赛 & Writers Gala in New York City and thought, why not? Bramlett是英语和传播学双学位的学生,她想要从事一份职业[…]

February 8, 2023 | 学生关注的焦点

Featured Falcons: Ahtziri Chavez

大众传媒专业大四学生阿赫兹里·查韦斯一直梦想着在西班牙语广播电台担任制片人或导演,从事国际传播工作. Thanks to help from University of Montevallo Mass Communication Professors Dr. Jay Cofield和Dr. Bruce Finklea,她在去年夏天获得了世界运动会的实习机会,她在那里工作[…]

December 13, 2022 | 学生关注的焦点

学生关注的焦点: 天使佩里

天使佩里, 澳门在线赌城娱乐研究生,攻读咨询硕士学位,专攻临床心理健康咨询, 被选为阿拉巴马州著名的阿尔伯特·史怀哲奖学金获得者. 阿拉巴马研究员项目是全美13个活跃的施韦策项目之一.S. dedicated to developing a pipeline of […]

November 28, 2022 | 学生关注的焦点

学生关注的焦点: Dishman艾莉

刚刚过去的这个夏天, Dishman艾莉, a junior majoring in biology on a pre-med track, participated in the opportunity of a lifetime. 她在哈佛医学院国家功能糖组学中心工作,师从受人尊敬的Dr. Richard Cummings ’74, the Center’s director and a University of Montevallo alum. “Words can’t describe how amazing it […]

October 28, 2022 | 学生关注的焦点

学生关注的焦点: Gemali Alcantara

Gemali Alcantara is a first-generation college student from Honduras. Without any guidance, he aspired for more and so he sought it out. 他认为上大学是最好的选择,但他不确定如何才能实现这一目标. Then, the University of Montevallo opened a door. “Many schools accepted me, but none […]

June 1, 2022 | 学生关注的焦点

学生关注的焦点: Jamiya Williams

When Jamiya Williams moved from Adamsville, 阿拉巴马州, to the University of Montevallo to earn a degree in psychology, she was shy and reserved. But in the four years she spent at UM, everything for Williams – also known as Ms. 蒙特瓦洛变了. “Before I came to college, I was really quiet and shy and […]

June 1, 2022 | 学生关注的焦点

学生关注的焦点: Hannah Waki

作为一个加州人, 大四学生汉娜·瓦基(Hannah Waki)千里迢迢来到这所她将永远视为家的大学. “我真的无法用语言表达我对这所大学和我在这里遇到的人的感激之情,Waki说. “The memories, opportunities and relationships I have […]

February 22, 2022 | 新闻稿

学生关注的焦点: Sydney Hollars

澳门在线赌城娱乐语言病理学硕士研究生Sydney Hollars被Sidekick Therapy Partners选为该校第一个SLP奖学金项目的获得者. Sidekick是一家位于田纳西州的儿科私人诊所,拥有超过125名语言病理学家, 或得到, 他们的使命是利用团队合作和卓越的治疗,使他们的客户生活得充实而有目的[…]

February 8, 2022 | 学生关注的焦点

学生关注的焦点 - Ellie Tarpley

Ellie Tarpley is grateful for second chances. 2007年,她来到澳门在线赌城娱乐(University of Montevallo)攻读大众传播专业,立志成为一名作家. 她2011年毕业, but shortly afterward went through a divorce, became a single mom and struggled to find a job in her field. “Things didn’t turn out […]